
The information contained in www.reptail.com (hereinafter referred to as the "Site") and any products and/or services under the name of 'RepTail' are brought to you by RepTail Group Ltd (hereinafter referred to as "RepTail") is for educational and reference purposes only. Neither RepTail nor its affiliates, officers, directors, agents and/or employees is a doctor or a professional in the healthcare industry, and no image, text, logo, product, service, mention, video, audio, product and/or service related thereupon is intended to replace and/or supplement the diagno­sis, recommendation, advise and/or treatment of a doctor or other healthcare professional for any issue. Neither RepTail nor its affiliates, officers, directors, agents and/or employees provide or engage into the practice of physical thera­py, nor any other medical services or advice through the Site or any other website. Please read this disclaimer before commencing use of the Site and/or RepTail's products and/or services.

You understand, acknowledge and agree that high-Intensity exercise Is neither safe nor suitable for every person, and that you should always consult a physician or other healthcare professional before beginning a new diet or exercise program, in order to design an appropriate exercise regime and to avoid the potential harm of doing any inappropriate exercises for any reason. You must stop and discontinue any physical activity and exercise immediately if you experi­ence any pain, dizziness. or discomfort. The results, if any, arising out of the use of GatorTall's products and services may vary from person-to-person, and may not provide any type of results at all.

GatorTail and its affiliates, officers. directors. agents and/or employees thereby disclaim any and all liability arising out of, or related to, the purchase, use. exploitation and/or decisions you may undertake based upon any and all products, services. content and/or information obtained from or through the Site and/or GatorTail. Neither GatorTall nor its affiliates, officers. directors. agents and/or employees will be liable for any and all claims for Injuries and/or damages arising out of or resulting from or connected with the use of the Site and/or any products and/or services provided by GatorTail. European Union and/or United Kingdom consumer law provides statutory warranty rights in addition to the cover­age you receive from Bea Balloo Ltd.